Total Materia

The World’s Most Comprehensive MATERIALS Database
More than 20,000,000 property records for over 450,000 metallic and non-metallic materials presented in 26 languages.

The biggest source in the world

Total Materia is the largest material properties database and knowledge source worldwide, with more than 20,000,000 property records for over 450,000 materials.

The most powerful cross-references

The quickest and most comprehensive international cross-reference tables, with unique categorization of equivalents and similarity plus the application of patented Artificial Intelligence (AI) and SmartCross technologies.

Advanced properties for FEA/CAE calculations

The largest collection of stress strain, fatigue and formability data available on the planet, supporting linear and non-linear calculations and opening new opportunities in the design process.

Ultimate material identification

The proprietary, patented algorithms for metal identification from chemical composition are recognized by the leading spectrometer producers worldwide and allow identification of unknown materials in seconds.

Certified quality and always up to date

Top quality and the highest reliability of the only dual certified quality and information security processes in the industry with an unprecedented upgrade policy, including data updates every month FREE of charge for our subscribers.

Time and cost savings across the business

Information equivalent to 1000 books of 200 pages each, or the cost of more than $150,000 in purchasing standard specifications alone. Total Materia is the only material database to offer metallic materials, plastics, composites and ceramics, all in one place.
