Why choose CAEfatigue (CF) over other frequency domain competitor tools?
◦ CF processes models from multiple sources including MSC Nastran, NX Nastran, Abaqus, Ansys and Optistruct.
◦ CF processes very large models (Tb+) with little difficulty.
◦ CF allows the use of unlimited multiple correlated inputs and includes accurate calculation of the cross-correlation influences between inputs.
◦ CF allows the inputs to be mixed loading (e.g. sine sweep, sine-on-random PSD, consecutive sines, etc. plus a mean (static) loading).
◦ CF provides advanced equivalent stress modelling (e.g. complex von-Mises, complex Principal, etc.).
◦ CF uses Running Sum Technology that allows for very fast analysis.
◦ CF is so fast that the User can do Design Of Experiments by running hundreds of jobs in quick succession.
◦ CF allows the use of typical automotive materials (e.g. Strain-Life and Stress-Life) and mean stress corrections in the same analysis.
◦ CF will produce both random response statistics and fatigue results in a single executed analysis.
◦ CF is a Custom Driven Technology. We strive to adjust our strategic development planning to match the needs/desires of our Customers. Tell us what you need and we will strive to make it happen!